What is the difference between Website design and Website development?

Have you ever wondered what goes into creating the websites you visit every day? While both website design and website development play crucial roles, they address different aspects of a website’s creation. This article will delve into the distinct functionalities of website design and website development, helping you understand the difference between them.

Website development definition

Website development is a general term for the work of building a website. Website developers will use different programming languages, like HTML, PHi, and Java to write and develop a website’s core functionality. 

In fact, website development includes all related development tasks such as client-side scripting, server-side scripting, server configuration and network security, eCommerce development and content management system development ( CMS).

Web design definition

Web design is the process of creating websites that prioritizes both aesthetics and functionality. It focuses on the user experience (UX) and visual appeal of a website, ensuring it’s not only informative but also engaging and easy to navigate.

To create a website with the best user experience, website designers also need to integrate many different elements together, including: graphic design, interface design, workflow optimization. search engine… All of these factors contribute to creating a professional, attractive website that works effectively on all different electronic devices.

The differences between Website design and Website development

The world of websites might seem seamless, but there are two key players behind the scenes: website design and website development. While they often work together, their areas of expertise are quite distinct. Here are some differences between them:

Differences in main role

Web designers mainly work on the visual side, while developers write the code. Specifically, website designers will create a website that is user-friendly, ensuring beautiful visuals following best practices. Developers will then build the functionality and make it live on the internet.

Web developers do not create visual images like logos and icons. They mainly focus on coding websites that are functional and secure. They will code and style pages to look the way a designer created them.

Differences in responsibilities

The important difference that distinguishes Web designers and web developers is the responsibilities and jobs they undertake. Based on the tasks programmers are responsible for, web programming can be divided into the following 3 small areas:

  • FrontEnd: FrontEnd are the parts of the website that customers can directly interact with. It includes visual things like text colors and styles, images, graphs and tables, buttons, colors, and navigation menus.

HTML, CSS, and Javascript are popular programming languages ​​used for FrontEnd development. FrontEnd programmers must ensure that the website has an eye-catching interface that attracts customers. At the same time, it also appears compatible on devices with different screen sizes.

  • BackEnd: Backend is the part of the website that customers cannot see and interact with directly. It often focuses on the behind-the-scenes activities if any activity occurs on the website. Backend Developer will develop the code and language that runs behind the scenes on the web server or Backend.
  • Fullstack: A Full Stack developer is someone who can do all the web programming work. Jobs related to front-end user interface and experience to back-end system and database processing jobs. This job is very stressful and requires very high levels of expertise and experience. To become a Full Stack Developer you need to master the work of a Front-end and Back-end.

Depending on the specific job, web design can be divided into the following types:

  • UX (User Experience) design means user experience design. Essentially, user experience (UX) design focuses on how customers have a meaningful experience when using a website. Or how users can effectively use the website in the way that manufacturers and product developers want.
  • UI (User Interface) design means user interface design. Is doing work related to creating graphics, layouts, colors, fonts, images, elements of the interface of a website… User interface design is one of the important factors that help convey messages from product and service providers and designers to customers.
  • Visual design does a lot of different jobs. It is a combination of graphic design and user experience. Visual designers need to understand design, user experience and may include web design. They are not required to know code, but having basic knowledge of web design will be a plus for this job position. 

Differences in working tools

Developers build websites with programming languages ​​such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Additionally, they also use many other programming languages ​​to set up email services, user authentication, databases, and other technical aspects of the website. To do this, they use software such as text editors, command line interfaces, version control systems… to build lines of code.

Unlike web programmers, web designers do not necessarily know how lines of code work. Their mission is to ensure aesthetics and visitor friendliness. Through a number of design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Dreamweaver… web designers will design the layout of the website through building prototypes and website frames (wireframes). . In addition, they are also responsible for controlling the flow of information and analyzing the website.

Overall, the difference between web design and website development lies in the role each plays in creating a website. While website development adds functionality to a website through code, website design seeks to enhance the user interface and experience, and make the website one that customers want to watch. Therefore, these subsections of creating a website are equally necessary.

The comparison of Website design and Website development in short

Website designWebsite development
Job descriptionTurn ideas and plans into visually appealing designsTurn designs into fully functional websites and make operations easyFocus on the functionality of the website and how it works
Nature of workIn favor of aesthetics and creativityTechnical and logical
ToolsPhotoshop, Flash, Illustration, Dreamweaver,…HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, .NET, Python, C, Ruby
Main work groupsUser Experience (UX)User Interface (UI)Visual DesignerFront-endBack-endFull-Stack

Should you choose Website design or website development?

Choosing Web design or website development depends on your preferences and your strengths. If you like beauty, creativity, and constant change, you should choose web design. Consider creating quality website layouts and high quality graphics to communicate an effective message to your target audience as an art and develop and maintain websites and servers to ensure functionality. website’s suitability…all is the job of a website designer.


In conclusion, Website design and Website development are like two sides of the same coin. While website design breathes life into the visual identity and user experience, website development translates those designs into a functional website.

If you want to turn all your ideas into a real website with full functionality and a beautiful interface, contact Levinci now. We are proud to have a team of website developers with extensive experience in many different fields, who can help you own unique websites.

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Have you ever wondered what goes into creating the websites you visit every day? While both website design and website development play crucial roles, they address different aspects of a website's creation. This article will delve into the distinct functionalities of website design and website development, helping you understand the difference between them.
What is the difference between Website design and Website development

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