PowerPole ecommerce system
Magento 2
We can handle all phases of software development from initial concept modeling through to operating, maintaining and exploiting software systems with millions of users per month
We provide full-cycle magento development services from analysis, design, to launching and maintenance. Our team of developers have been working with Magento for over 10 years, from version 1.4. We can implement any e-commerce solution (like B2B, market place, Loyalty…) based on Magento 2 platform.
Enterprise resource planning is a suite of integrated apps used for collecting, storing, managing, and interpreting data. ERP covers various business processes and helps to manage such resources as raw materials, cash, production capacity, and stocks in real time. Besides, it monitors payrolls, orders. and purchases. Thus, by using a robust ERP system, you can easily turn your Magento 2 website into a more profitable business unit. To achieve this goal, choose one of the following ERP integration Magento 2 extensions. If you are looking for Magento 1 modules, examine this link: Enterprise resource planning (ERP) System Magento Integration.
Some typical loyalty features that can be built on magento
Fixed Prices
(not include Adobe Commerce for Enterprise license fee)
(depend on project and team members level)
(based on Agile methodology, and Scrum, invoice will be sent at the end of sprint, each sprint 1-4 weeks)
We have served clients globally and completed 100+ projects for them
Magento 2
Magento 2
Magento 2
Some typical customers have used our services for many years.
Whether you have a budding business idea or you need to make a decision for your company’s IT platform, we will help you define the problem clearly and provide you with a solution to solve that problem.