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Understanding Multi-Tenant Architecture in Cloud Applications - Levinci
Hoàng Phan

Understanding Multi-Tenant Architecture in Cloud Applications

Explore the intricacies of multi-tenant architecture in SaaS and e-commerce platforms. Learn about its benefits, challenges, and real-world applications with a focus on Shopify, Adobe Commerce Cloud, and Magento Open Source. Discover when to adopt this cost-effective, scalable solution and when to consider alternatives.

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ERP Development Knowledge

Website Development Knowledge

Top 10 Magento development Company in Vietnam 2024
website development

Top 10 Magento development Company in Vietnam 2024

In the context of increasingly developing e-commerce in Vietnam, choosing a deployment unit becomes a difficult problem, especially choosing Magento development Company. Here, we unveil the top 10 Magento development companies in Vietnam, ready to equip you with the knowledge to choose the perfect partner and unlock the full potential of your Magento store.

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What is WordPress Pros and Cons of WordPress when consider building a website
website development

What is WordPress? Pros and Cons of WordPress when consider building a website

Struggling to choose the right platform to build your website? Look no further! WordPress, a powerful and user-friendly content management system (CMS), has become a favorite for both beginners and website veterans alike. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of WordPress, exploring its strengths and weaknesses to help you decide if it’s the key to building your dream website.

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What is Magento Pros and cons of Magento when building an ecommerce website
website development

What is Magento? Pros and cons of Magento when building an ecommerce website

In the booming era of e-commerce, owning an online sales website helps businesses reach potential customers and increase sales. However, choosing the right platform to build an e-commerce website can be a big question mark. Among popular options, Magento emerges as a powerful solution, trusted by many large and small businesses globally. So what is Magento? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Let’s find out with Levinci!

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Top 10 Website development companies in Vietnam 2024
website development

Top 10 Website development companies in Vietnam 2024

To develop strongly in the digital age, businesses need to own a website. However, a website is a complex product, improper implementation will cause business stagnation, wasting money and time. This article will suggest top reputable and professional companies to book using website development services.

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Top 10 Website development companies for 2024
website development

Top 10 Website development companies for 2024

Owning a website is the foundation for developing future business plans. Here is a list of the top 10 website development service providers that are reputable based on service quality and deliverables.

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